

We all see happiness as a life goal & to chase happiness :
• We buy things
• We hang up with people
• We go on holidays
• We do well paying job
• We try to be happy by tieing up the happiness to other people.
But at the end of the day, lying in the bed thinking what to do next in this endless pursuit of happiness. We're not happy with the life. We're only doing these things just to satisfy our soul.
The trap of trying happiness to external factor is uncontrollable. Tieing happiness to the stuff won't last.

Understand one thing, that happiness is directly related to health and longevity. & improves life quality.
So, tie your happiness to yourself first and then with other's. Let not care about why we are unable to live a happy life. Let's care about how we can make our life better, how we can change ourself better than yesterday.
© Silent Eyes