

And the vibe is perplexing you towards the end of the race,
In a lonely, stony location,
Because the missing piece is bonded in a certain place,
In a faraway, poison-free constellation,
Where new is the epitome of greatness to come,
Fly free through the stars to grasp your destiny,
Sewing boundless self-intuitive seams into the future,
And the vibe was just right,
Asking for nothing,
But giving countless joy to start a process of healing,
Positivity was always the driver in the seat,
So absorbed in the very fact that we were never truly here,
But crammed together in the last location that was never present,
Reasons are not important,
As a matter of fact, neither is seasons,
Things that only manifest in spirit for the gratification of one,
Creating, Creator, Creation,
Creatures of long gone eras are what we simulate to eradicate from our DNA,
As we draw closer to our same fate,
Making the brand new into the oldest existence,
In a lonely, stony location.

#WritcoPoemPrompt #poem #words #life #lawsoftheuniverse #author #poetry #poeticevolution #timeis

© Andrea Crawford