

Have you ever wished that you could die? Most fear this topic, but I have to get it out, somewhere. I'm sorry if this horrifies you, but rest assured... I haven't done it yet, and I won't. It just seems that after all of the suffering and the tears, death would bring comfort and peace. Like the ultimate nap, but one that never needs be disturbed. When people see the suicidal maniac, they fear it. They think it's all bashing our skulls to the wall in hope for the incessant ringing to stop. It's far deeper.. Existence is pain, and I wish for that pain to cease. I know logically there is only one way to achieve that. So, death becomes a fantasy, instead of a fear. Scary or not. I had to let this out today. Regardless of who's reading or watching. The pain is too much today. I'm losing myself. I fear that I may not have the strength this time to move forward another space. Call me a coward or a cry baby. Neither is true and your opinion is nonsense. I had to let this out today.

Roby X