We realised that some of the verses needed editing.... So here is the Changed one that is much better.
SEE Change is a part of life, you need change! Also, i found this image that would like really good for a background in with our poem if any of the editors are interested in inserting it. It is really beautiful.

C. H. A. N. G. E.
I hate change,
I like the feeling of familiarity,
The feeling of things I know.
But sometimes change is good,
Like Winter when it begins to snow.
Change can be bad,
Like losing someone you love,
But change can also bring something new,
Someone looking over you from above.
I think its that feeling,
Not knowing truly about everything,
But sometimes you have...
SEE Change is a part of life, you need change! Also, i found this image that would like really good for a background in with our poem if any of the editors are interested in inserting it. It is really beautiful.

C. H. A. N. G. E.
I hate change,
I like the feeling of familiarity,
The feeling of things I know.
But sometimes change is good,
Like Winter when it begins to snow.
Change can be bad,
Like losing someone you love,
But change can also bring something new,
Someone looking over you from above.
I think its that feeling,
Not knowing truly about everything,
But sometimes you have...