

A Passion's Love for Fate (February's Valentina) (Feb. 2, 2023)
A burning passion of bloom,
Their hearts in tranquility.
Let them know the love at noon,
And their wish will come true.

The wind gestures its way to them
To help foresee their path.
Albeit the hurdles come now and then,
They'll persevere despite the wrath.

As the blossoms fall graciously
To their side as strings attach,
They pound so reverently
And grow together as they match.

A grandiose scene of the sunset,
They watch as their eyes sparkle.
And as the moment hits just right,
Their lips intertwined with poise.

As they hold together lovingly,
Negativity was no longer.
As they walk their path faithfully,
They lasted at forevermore.

The dawn finally struck to them,
But they heed no mind to it.
They look up like it's a dream,
All whilst smiling with a feat.

Their last days tick on and on;
Ready to depart from the Earth.
Their meaning to it was about fun,
Because fate gave them worth.

© Vyrene