

seasons change
Seasons change and So do we but sometimes it seems too complicated for others to see. When joy the summer fun with family and friends barbecues and picnics and the Sun on our skin. The refreshing cool water from the pool on a hot summer's day in sitting on the deck with a tall glass of lemonade. S summer turns to fall we put all of that away We bring out our cozy sweaters and our best genes in fall boots because they feel like fall in make us also feel cute. We watch the leaves change to colors of delight and inhale deeply as everything smells like pumpkin spice. When do I this time picking apples with family and friends because it takes us back to our childhood again? Before you know Winter is on its way so once again we pack it all away. We pull out our snow Coats and boots and we prep in Prepare for storms as if they are knocking at our door. We drink hot chocolate and play in the snow And O how we love the warmth from a beautiful fire's glow. The smell of pine fills the air as we gaze out of the window to see glistening snow everywhere. Winter seems to stay for quite a while and are spirits get down as we forget how to smile but as the snow melts away the birds wake up with chirping as Winter fades away. Spring is finally here and we're so happy again as the Spring rain begins to fall in flowers begin to Bloom we rejoice in the fact that summer will be here again so we rejoice in the fact that it is warming up as we happily put all alarm Winter stuff up just as the seasons change often so do we and we have to learn and grow to be the best visions of ourselves that we can be.
© loveforart