

Dear Daughters

We've have been through so much from your light touch to your first smile,
We knew our lives would never be the same.
You've opened our world to a new level from your first kick to your first cry.
We remember when we first saw you, how we vowed to protect you.
Never to neglect you, to teach you self respect that your speech will be pure of heart.

We pledge to pray for you, Praying that God will guide, lead and direct you. You're our angels here on earth, your strength lies in him not earthly desires. fly high and never doubt yourself and who God created you to be. Have faith that all your dreams will come through even when it gets rough.

Remember to be kind, loving and honest in all you do. At the end of the day when your life comes to the end of its journey, It will not be about the many achievements but about how much of a person you were from the heart.

You're beautiful in all your ways, but remember beauty isn’t on the outside but on the inside. Beauty that can be seen will fade away, but beauty on the inside will touch lives and make this world a better place.

Love Mothers

#motherslove #daughters #inspring #WritcoPrompt