

An absolute beauty...
At the edge of the furthest mountain,
Between the valley and the lazy river,
Beyond the edge of the scented meadow,
I can see the hues painted by the setting sun...

The sky is ablaze with fiery red,
As the day's last light begins to fade,
The clouds are tinted with a gentle pink,
And the world is bathed in a soft shade.

The trees stand tall, their leaves aglow,
As the sun's rays dance across their branches,
Their limbs outstretched, as if to catch,
The fleeting beauty of the sun's last embrace.

The river's waters shimmer and gleam,
Reflecting the colors of the sky,
As the setting sun casts its final beam,
Upon the world, before it says goodbye.

And in this moment, all is still,
As the world is bathed in golden light,
A peaceful hush, before the night's chill,
Falls upon the land, and takes flight.