

Poem- Feet on The Creatio!! (poema en español e ingles ambos)

It is very difficult to create a creation,
But it is truly easy to trample over it.
Mistakes can be done,
But that creation, which is hidden under the sole of the shoe, can't be a simple split.
The art that the artist had created has been destroyed,
His work, which really made him enjoyed,
What is the harm in keeping the feet? Keep them and move on,
And take away the hard work that he had done in creating.
Nothing happened; only colors are gone.
Someone with his shoes left a mark of gifting.
Not only feet; why hands will stood?
Rubbing them through walls,
Absorbing the colors with blood,
Erasing the pattern or even words.
Mouth is enough to speak worse,
Make the artist regret for their job.
They can only argue on each verse,
These are all the habits of a slob.
It doesn't matter what they do,
As they are even trying.
What I know is true,
You can't do anything instead of lying.
You can't make anything,
So it doesn't mean you criticize others.
They are doing something,
Not like you, who...