

straight as an arrow !!
Straight as an arrow,
my words pierce those first who happen to be narrow
in their mindsets and I'm not any ashamed to state
that I was once of a similar predisposition but as for fate
would have it I was stripped naked
of my ego in a jungle full of voyeur snakes
who could see through my bare psyche and intentions
though it only trained me to be behave like I actually was bereft of any pretensions...

the kinda venomous talks I spittted
coupled with the kinda absurd justifications that I regularly repeated
in my head to releive myself apparently fed those very demons
which had emaciated my rationality and were slowly creeping
into my subconscious mind
Until I got hold of this rare find
that spirituality is
And got to feel the utter futility
of this worldly existence and it's apparent duality is....

© @unshakableabhishek