

Not us‼️‼️‼️‼️
You didn’t vote.
You didn’t use your voice.
You didn’t bother to raise awareness against this project.
Now my rights have been taken away from me.
I’m a human being but I’m constantly treated as a disposable object.
Nobody ever fights for me.
I’m just a black woman.
And clearly that doesn’t mean a thing in America.
I’m living in a country where people can afford to complain and complain.
I’m living in a country where people don’t understand that if they don’t use their voices then nothing changes.
Injustice continues to reign.
I’m living in a country where nothing changes if nothing changes.
Therefore the unfairness will always remain the same.

I’m constantly going through different phases and stages of oppression.
All of these stages and phases are causing me to fall into a deep depression.
My misery?
Seems to be straight, rich, and white men’s obsession.
Project 2025 is America’s lowest form of recession.
We’ve gone backwards.
It’s too late now.
People were too lazy to get up and make their way toward the voting ballot.
But they never seem to have a problem making their way to gossip, the newest trends, and other things that don’t matter.

I’m living in a country amongst people that nothing seems to ever bother them unless it’s affecting them personally.
It’s a disgrace that you all don’t see that this project is going to bring much more tragedy and torture for you and other women that look like me.
Project 2025 was a personal attack on black women.
People in power want more of our offspring, but they are not going to offer us anything.
They’re just going to keep taking and taking from us.
And we allow it all to happen, because we don’t fight for things that matter.

Believe it or not I matter.
I don’t matter just because I’m a woman.
I don’t matter just because I’m a black woman.
I matter because I am a human being who just so happened to be blessed with the ability to produce, carry and birth new small lives into this world.
The cold hearted truth is me or my child doesn’t really matter to this world.
People of power make money off our suffering.
They laugh at our pain.
They mock our struggle.
They shame us.
They degrade us.
They break us.
You all knew that and still did nothing.
You thought your vote didn’t matter.
You thought your voice didn’t matter.

Now look at us.
We’re back to square one.
Our rights are constantly being stripped from us like they stripped us naked from our dignity.
It’s no surprise.
As there was never any unity.
So it was easy for the people of power to come and deprive us from equality.
Now I can’t even get contraceptives.
Or any form of protection against reproduction.
The constitution and project 2025 is so corrupted.
But people didn’t take it serious.
When it comes down to politics and real life changing social issues, people are somehow delirious.

I’m only a person of color.
I’m a woman of color at that.
So, several ridiculous laws can be made without no one even caring to think twice about how it will affect me and the children that I will have no choice but to bring into this world.
Of course the main thing will be said is to be abstinent and not engage in any sexual activity.
But what about other women who have high risk pregnancies?
What about the women who are victims of rape?
What about the women who are neglected by their doctors in hospitals?
What about the women who are told that it’ll be a life of death choice between herself and her baby?

What about the women that can barely afford to take care of themselves?
What about the women that can’t afford to give their child or their children a decent lifestyle?
The bigger picture is not limiting sexual activity.
As it is clear that more babies are wanted.
Reproduction is needed again.
It might as well be 1920 all over again.
Considering that was the year where American women were granted the right to vote.
We should have been the main ones voting for our lives against this sick project.

This project was a personal attack.
This project was an act of control.
It was created to control our reproductive rights.
It was created to limit our access to education.
It was created to take away any form of protection we had.
It was created to deplete us from our identity.
It seems those in control want our identities to be genetically modified.
We all should’ve been mortified.

But again it’s too late.
We’ve gone backwards.
There’s no saving us.
And man is it doing a number on our mental health.
Project 2025 is not our friend.
It is our worst enemy.
And nothing was done enough to stop this enemy from attacking us.
We’ve been attacked for centuries.
This is just a mere slap in the face.
This is just another door that has opened up many different stages of misery and slavery.

Single motherhood was held in constant condemnation knowing that the black community is popular when it comes to single motherhood.
And what was done for us?
Nothing to help us if that’s what you were wondering.
Instead “tradition families” were glorified knowing that this isn’t as common in the black community.
Things were made even harder for our children.
It started with the ban of all contraceptives.
It also started with the ban on all abortions regardless of viability or health of the mother.

Headstart and the free discounted school lunch programs were eliminated as well.
So, the real question is why would they enforce project 2025, if they were going to do nothing but make it harder for us women of color to thrive and take care of ourselves and our children?

It’s almost like that was the plan.
It’s almost like the downfall of our mental and physical suffering was the ultimate game plan of their agenda.
I guess this is supposed to be fair.
But for who? Not us!!!


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