

Just Stop
Stop with the guilt,
Stop with the pity,
Stop pretending to care,
Stop acting like everything is ok when it's not,
Stop being fake nice,
Stop with the stares and glares,
Just stop.
 Because sometimes it gets too much,
Too much to breath,
Too much to look at anyone,
Too much to eat,
Too much to drink,
And too much to smile.
The pressure and the atmosphere around you gets too much,
The people pretending and acting,
The people who have pity and guilt,
And the people who are faking,
Just get to much too handle.
They are too much because they make you do many things,
They make you change,
They make you weak,
They make you doubt yourself,
They make you look at yourself like you're the problem,
And they make you break,
The people who fake smile and pity you,
Those are the people who get to much,
The people who don't care for real get to much,
Because no one wants fake friends,
Or people to fake care about them,
They just want real people.
But there aren't many who are real,
Because lies are like a sweet candy,
And the truth is like bitter vinegar.
So just stop,
Just stop faking it,
Stop pitying me,
Stop all of it because I don't want it.

© The Scarlett poet