

I crave what I've been robbed of,
I am jealous of what I do not have,
I am taken with great nonchalance by family and loved ones,
I just want to be appreciated and be a person's first choice,
I am guilt tripped to pay back for good done to me,
I seek his face day in and day out,
To show me mercy and bring someone who would pick me first,
I do not want to be a second option anymore,
Lord please,
I've been scarred and hurt by those I cherish the most,
Do not forsake my plea for you're my first and last hope,
I just want love without obligation,
To be a choice without constant rejection,
Lord please,
The tears I shed and the heart that bleeds,
has no strength to go on,
Hearken to my cry and rid me of those not worthy of my energy,
I am weak and pale in heart and skin,
I bring myself joy from others laughter,
Help me overcome this cross of pain and incessant disappointment.
I am you discussion,
You were with me from conception,
Hearken to my plea.
© Nehita baht