

My Soul Mate
Romeo and Juliet ain't got nothing on us. It's been eleven years of ups and downs like a rollercoaster, tragedy, and triumph. But in spite of this, we still talk on a regular basis. We fight, we make up. Even through my other failed relationships, he was the only constant. He knows me like the back of his hand. I can say the same for him. I still believe he's my destiny. I still think he's my soul mate. The more time goes on, the more confirmation I get. Every time I try to move on, something keeps pulling me back to him. Our bond is unbreakable and irreplaceable. The world may have conspired against us during these eleven years that we've known each other, but I still see that glimmering hope at the end of the tunnel. I've done everything in my power to push him away, and yet he remains, unswayed by my flaws. Unlike Juliet, I refuse to take the easy way out. I keep waiting and waiting, knowing one day he's gonna be with me. The doors that were closing on us are starting to open because I found the keys to the locks. I rely on faith and prayer to keep me grounded and ensure my dreams come true. They say duaa has the power to change destiny, so I'll keep making this duaa until my destiny is forever changed. I refuse to be a negative Nancy. I channel all my energy in the opposite direction, choosing to be a positive princess. Call me crazy if you want, but I know what I want, and I won't stop until I get it. I won't lower my standards to make everyone else happy. I prioritize my happiness over everything else. Love isn't always easy. It can be complicated, but in the end, it's always worth it. My best dreams have him in it. Dreams of us as husband and wife having kids of our own, it's still not too late for it to happen. He's one in a million. I have never met anyone else like him. That's why I feel like he's my everything. Even through a revolution and a war, we're never stopped communicating. I truly think we are meant to be and will overcome all the obstacles. Nothing can stand in our way. We can beat all the odds, and I have no doubt about it. My heart belongs to him, and his heart belongs to me. Nobody compares to him, and I know he thinks nobody compares to me. Our chemistry never went away. Even after more than a decade, we are still in sync. Selena Gomez said it best when she said “the heart wants what it wants.”
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