

Bestfraann 18 Birthdaii 🥰

© Dav_Kenzii

As special as you are,
Today is your day and so far,
I thank God for giving me such an angel or Queen from the sky,
I hope you don't cry,
Laugh all you want or just try.
Rivers keept flowing,
Flowers kept growing,
Or at least they say,
Years may fly,
Tears may dry,
But our friendship will never die.
Don't you know we are a pack,
Not just like snack
That gets crush right on the spot,
No we nah just chat,
Bullet meant to shot,
So just listen to that.

I spy, I spy,
I spy with my eyes Tanesha over there,
No couldn't be, must here,
She's ever burning like the sun,
I know right, that's fun.
Always hot,
So the boys dem stare a lot,
You never lame,
You just cool,
Because you're funny and cute,
Bright but not a fool.