

O' Ladies
Excuse me, miss
Can I tell you how you make me feel?
Can I show you the firery feeling you give me?
Can I blow your mind?
Can I drown you with words unsaid?

Sexy, you devour me with fear,
So scared that my kneels beacons,
At the sight of royalty,
You need no crown to be adored,
Your worshipers must be in billions

Each hair strand laced with gold,
The great Rumpelstiltskin must be your slave.
I despair not the creation of perfection,
nor see illusion, but the perfect crime to sanity,
tearing down every wall of hate,
Love and lust feed my eyes with such heat

Shall I send the hound, to find my courage,
For the solemnity of your voice, fades out others,
Laying me still, in this obscure tranquil forest,
Where time obeys your every rule,
Rendering me helpless as each second pass,
Harmony would be tresspassing at your sight

This was a device to throw a grenade at you,
Only a u-turn was made, and to my demise,
A nuclear bomb was throwned back,
My survival is zero,
My armies of hate, all killed, with one swipe
Nothing left but a man in love

Harmony could not comprehend,
The tantrum of storm you release,
Mother nature gaze at such destructive force,
And its weaken by your strength,
Can I find an avenger for the feeling I feel,
O' Ladies, thou art beautiful.

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