

My Self Love
As I began to love myself, I unearthed the depths of my soul, Where anguish and suffering once dwelled, Now mere echoes of a past I outgrow. They whispered softly, warning signs clear, That living untrue was the source of my fear. Today, I know this is Authenticity— A journey inward to set my spirit free.As I began to love myself, I learned the weight of desire's demand, How it can burden another's heart, When wishes are forced like grains of sand. The timing must flow like a river's embrace, Respecting the moments and each sacred space. Today I call this Respect—a gentle refrain, A dance with patience that eases the pain.As I began to love myself, I stopped yearning for lives yet unseen, And gazed at the beauty that surrounded me, In every shadow and sunlit sheen. Invitations to grow in each passing day, Maturity blossomed in every way. Today I call this Maturity—a wise eye’s delight, Embracing the now with all of my might.As I began to love myself, I found peace in every tick of the clock; No longer racing through time’s winding maze, But knowing each moment is solid as rock. Right here and right now is where I belong, Self-Confidence grew like a powerful song. Today I call this Self-Confidence—a steadfast embrace, In every heartbeat lies my rightful place.As I began to love myself, I ceased to steal time from my own gentle heart; No grand designs for futures unknown, Just joy in the present—a beautiful art. Doing what brings happiness deep from within, In rhythms that resonate where true life begins. Today I call this Simplicity—pure and profound, In doing what nurtures my spirit unbound.As I began to love myself, I shed the burdens that weighed me down; Food that poisoned and people who drained, All remnants of doubt that made me frown. At first labeled egoism—a selfish decree— Now understood as Love of Oneself—truly free. Today I know it as Love—my greatest gift yet; To honor my being with no need for regret.As I began to love myself, I embraced imperfection’s tender grace; No longer clinging to being right all the time— In letting go lies a softer embrace. With humility blooming in every misstep made, Modesty flourished as arrogance frayed. Today I've discovered this Modesty’s glow— A quiet strength rooted in all that I know.As I began to love myself, The past lost its grip; the future let go; Living for today became my sweet vow— Where life unfolds in its natural flow. Day by day lived in simple fulfillment's light; Each moment cherished as stars kiss the night. Today I celebrate Fulfillment—a radiant spark— In every heartbeat lies joy’s gentle arc.As I began to love myself, I acknowledged my mind’s restless flight; Yet when tethered gently to my beating heart, It transformed into wisdom—a guiding light. Together they dance in harmonious play; My mind now an ally illuminating the way. Today I call this Wisdom of the Heart—the embrace we share; In unity found is a power so rare.We no longer dread conflict or strife; For even stars collide with a glorious sound; From their chaos emerges new worlds alive— Life's rhythm unbroken where creation is found. Today I've come to understand Life’s grand design: Through trials and triumphs our spirits align. This journey of loving myself endlessly flows— A testament written in every heart that knows.In the gentle whispers of compassion's embrace,We find solace in the depths of grace.For in the unity of hearts, we find our might,Guided by love's unwavering light.And as we navigate life's ebb and flow,Through every challenge, we'll continue to grow.With wisdom as our compass, our hearts will lead,Unveiling the truths that we deeply need.And so, we embark on this voyage profound,With resilience and love, our feet firmly on the ground.For self-love is not a destination to reach,But a lifelong practice, within each of us, to teach.In the face of adversity, we'll hold our heads high,Knowing that our worth is not defined by others' eyes.For within ourselves lies a boundless source of strength,A resilient spirit that will go to any length.So let us be kind to ourselves as we journey on,Embracing imperfections, knowing we belong.In unity and compassion, we'll find our way,Celebrating our growth every single day.
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