

Drug Addiction Is a Killer
Life is always precious,
It comes with freewill that sometimes gets noxious,
While it is a privilege to keep it,
Other's lives have become complicated.

Their choices sadly run off the lane,
As they seek for glory using ugly games,
Deceived by momentary and worldly pleasurable disguises,
Their minds are waging into the war and defenses.

Drug addiction is none other but a choice,
Its end results bear horrible and hopeless voice,
When you choose brain damage over saneness,
It's like slamming your wits and dishing your spirit in mess.

When drug addiction gets hold of you,
It will rule like a thunder hammering upon you,
Yet it makes you feel like you're an unbeatable foe,
While hurting yourself is what you ACTUALLY do.

© Rosha FT 2020. All Rights Reserved. Self-Worth.ga