


The earth's womb, a sanctuary deep
Where seeds of potential, in darkness sleep
A place of nurturing, where growth begins
Where the pulse of life, forever spins

In this sacred space, possibilities unfold
Like a tapestry rich, with stories untold
The earth's womb whispers, ancient secrets wise
Guiding the journey, of life's surprise

From her fertile soil, sprouts emerge anew
Green shoots of promise, for me and you
Roots dig deep, and branches stretch wide
Drinking in sunshine, and the nourishing tide

In her embrace, forests flourish and thrive
Oceans wave, and mountains come alive
Rivers flow, and deserts bloom with grace
A kaleidoscope, of life's wondrous pace

The earth's womb has brought, civilizations to rise
Cradled the dreams, of a thousand surprise
From her depths, art and wisdom have flowed
A never-ending wellspring, forever to grow

In her darkness, light is born anew
A cycle of growth, forever shining through
The earth's womb, a miracle to behold
A sanctuary of life, where stories unfold.

© Gifted hands