


In the midst of all the beauty,
He stood there feeling lost,
A group of gals around him
He still couldn't help but to think of her.
The one who slipped away,
The one that cost him a lot.

Her memory lingered like a blur,
In his mind day by day.
Lost in thoughts, he felt a touch,
On his arm so gentle and light,
He turned around and felt as such,
His heart taking flight.

It was her, standing there before him,
A vision he couldn't believe,
The one he thought was gone,
Right there before his eyes to perceive.

But was it really her, or just a dream
or it was just the alcohol, only to decieve.
A trick of the mind he couldn't ignore,
His heart racing with the extremes,
Of love and loss and so much more.

A perspective play with no clear ending,
Lost in thoughts, Lost in love.
Lost this cause, Lost this fight.

© P.S
#WritcoPoem #WritcoPrompt #Lost #Perspective