

You're perfect
There's nothing more beautiful and special than us.🫂
Without you everything seems very difficult.🥺
There's nothing I want more than having you by my side.🤗

If the moment is to end, I want to spend it with you my love.💞
My love grows stronger by the day.🤭
I love and cherish you with everything I own.✨🥰

I don't want you to make promises you can't fulfill.👌🙏
I won't force anything on you.🤷✨
I just want you to stay true to our relationship.👌🥺

I love you and I want everything about you.🥰🤗
Your flaws never mattered to me. Because you're perfect in my eyes.🥰

#perfect #writco #cherish #love #writcoquote #preshy

© Preshy🌹