

knock! knock!
Knock! Knock!
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Am I in the right place?
Is this palace?
Turn up the light
Or am I out of sight?
I hear the jingles of keys
But I am not in peace
Why are you doing this to me?
Tell me,
Am I in hell?
Cause it doesn't feel like cell.

Why do you keep haunting?
Oh! Queen of the hill
Are you not listening?
You being deaf makes me ill
I hear this voices in my head
Telling me I am dead
The whispers are spreading,
Vigorously like sodium
Deep, they're digging,
Corroding the walls of podium
Can't feel my heart beat
Or the depth of this pit.

What's that smell?
Did the chick break the shell?
Fuuuu! Fu!
I smell my odor
Am I decaying?
Goodbye to the ground I am saying.
Won't see the sun smile
Or the tickle of rain's bristle
But who should I blame
When drugs were my endgame?
Became married to depression
And a puff was my rehabilitation.

I gave in to rejections,
Rejected even myself.
But for what?
So that I can dine with hallucinations,
Embrace my erection,
With my sandy hands,
Enjoy the naked hologram in my mind,
wet in my dreams,
But all in vain.
Now toxic runs in my vein
Corrupting the brain
feeling it even in this coffin.
© kogi(uncleblacky)