

Looking at the pillar of challenges before us,        
Keeping our heads above water without creating a fuss,
Fighting through life battle like we were made for it,
Ignoring taunt from people, it hurts! I admit
Will the efforts pay? We asked trying not to say our farewell
Answer to that I don't know BUT only time will tell..........

Her future is bright cos She was born with a silver spoon,
My future is not certain cos I was born with a wooden spoon,
Judge not my future base on aluminum or tree,
Not all success are achieved base on degree,
No one can predict where wealth will dwell,
"You can't be in her league " chill!! Time will tell....

"Divine love" we said based on emotions presently,
Just with a kiss, he believes she's his instantly,
Her curves just like the woman of his dream,
"His voice sent chills down my spine" she beam,
But.. will this feeling last?? Please! I wish well
I hold no answer to it only Time will tell.....

All arrows point that she is depressed,
But we never believe cos she's well dressed,
He can't speak up because he is a MAN,
So he buried his emotions as best as he can,
"We know a depressed person and you are not" we yell,
His death is the answer the time does tell....

© beanbhasail