

Never again
You broke my heart
but not my spirit.
You hurted me so bad
but this too shall pass.
You made me cry
but God will wipe the tears from my eyes.
You diminished my trust in beings
but thanks I still trust in the man above.
You controlled me with lies and manipulations,
but God still controlls my destination.

God gave me a heart that loves dearly,
whilst you took it for granted.
I've bandaged up the wounds
as best as they can be.
They may look so pretty to you,
they're markings of my survival.

I loved you,
whereas you loved someone else
I wanted to focus on life with you alone,
whereas for you I wasn't enough
I greatly sacrificed my time for you,
whereas you thought me unfit
How can I follow the laws,
To be with you for life?
Yet they taught us to follow our hearts.
No more waiting
Not anymore
Never again

One day;
the sun will rise earlier,
our memories will fade
I'll burn our pictures
and totally forget everything.
You'll disappear from my imagination,
and I'll pluck another page.
To write a beautiful love story
A story without you

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