

Resonating Solitude
Know not....
What lingers by and by....
Alluring charisma..is her scintillating soul....
Or is she awkwardly resonates being shy.

O Honey!!! So precious...My love....
Solitude excruciates...down her spines...
Lost are the notes of these strings...she sobs...
Don't fade away from the skies...please shine.

Shattered inhalations and exhalations...she craves
Won't ever...Abandon true love..never..again
Unworthy popularity...No peace, all fun..just in vain
Placards of Solitaire..naked flungs...being terribly insane.

Lingering fingers...curling mounds-in dripping grooves...
Crazily chuckling...in passionate indulgences and smiles....
Cunningly swinging...in the strings of time...
Enticing wings of galactic grandeur..in miraged miles.

Heal her broken soul...O Mate!!!
In the magic of the most melodious relationship...
Evolutioned in melancholy...she strives in nostalgia...
Flung open thy arms, hug..exchanging spontaneous courtships....
....While she plucks the last strings of her life.
© SanghamitraDevi