

Save Me
Save Me

Save me from the darkness
That lingers in my mind
The shadows that consume me
Leaving me broken and blind
Save me from the emptiness
That devours my soul
The loneliness that haunts me
Leaving me feeling less whole
Save me from the memories
That haunt me in my sleep
The pain that never fades
Leaving me to silently weep
Save me from the voices
That whisper in my head
The doubts and fears they bring
Leaving me filled with dread
Save me from this world
That can be cruel and cold
The expectations and pressure
Leaving me feeling old
Save me with your love
And hold me tight
Let me feel safe and protected
In your arms every night
Save me from myself
And the demons I face
The battles I must fight
But I can't keep up the pace
Save me from the lies
That I tell myself each day
The love and help I need
To keep the darkness at bay
Save me from the chaos
And the storms inside my head
The confusion and chaos
Leaving me feeling dead
Save me with your kindness
And your gentle touch
Let me know that I am enough
So save me, my love
From this endless misery
For you are my savior
And my only remedy

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©Dr. Dashaun Snipes
® Save Me
© ApproximatePower