

She was pretty, pretty
I was pretty, too
But only the the kind of pretty where guys would chew me up and spit me out
The kind of pretty thats only good when mingling about backstreets and nightclubs
I was only pretty when I took my clothes off
And let them sink into some
Stranger’s bedroom floor
I was only temporarily pretty
As I let him shut the door
And corner me back onto a bed
As he denied my request when I asked if we could just cuddle instead
But her, she was pretty
The kind of pretty that got called beautiful
Guys opened doors for her instead of shutting them
They gave her space when she asked for it
Instead of demitting themselves from her life completely
She was beautiful in the sense of ball gowns
And whimsical nights exploring town
The kind of girl that deserved a golden crown
Her smile was made of roses
And mine was missing teeth
But perhaps if i hadn't sold myself on the belief
That my worth comes from my body
And that to live was to mean something to somebody
Maybe then my smile would consist of hibiscus
I would be someone worth a kiss
There would be some sort of breakthrough
So someone could look at me and say,
“you are pretty, pretty too”
© notfortress