

What a time to be alive
a generation meshed in libertinism
easily broken like a finger
through a soap bubble
when many objectify
the purpose of true love
as intents are jabbed into the squealing manoeuvres of uncircumcised lust fragranced by avarice ...

What a time to be alive
a generation strummed
with fingers of religious deceits
as many use the facets of religion
to feed fat on ignoramuses
gag mouths and blindfold eyes
of those prostituting satanic altars shrouded as churches for miracles
only to lamentably end up
as adorned pitiable life sacrifices...

What a time to be alive
a generation smashed in hugs of envy
painted in pains
boiled in waters of impotence
rubbished by egos and "over sabi"
with misleading concepts
as rivers of filth flows to the downtown of civilization
where the pride of virginity is abashed
a renown dart board for any missile ...

What a time to be alive
a generation quashed by the prongs of injustice
ached by the billowing fog
of the miscarriage of status-quos
as youths,tomorrow's leaders
become fountains of alcoholism
and brand ambassadors of idleness
thereby opening portals for these heartless cabal octogenarians
who shit the faeces of serfdom
on our heads...

What a time to be alive
a generation reputed with necromancy
perturbed by constructive criticisms
seduced by scuzzy landscapes
slapped by the fingers of human deficiencies
perfected by naked imperfections
contented in murky corridors of waggery
corrupted by the fragrance of scamming
as the bold face of HOPE
is botched by doomed youths
gallivating aimlessly like thieves at night...

Enoh Eyong Ernest
© Enash86