

Scars still Bleed
I have many.
From head to toe..
Some big some small
I carry them wherever I go

Each one has meaning
some good...most bad
I think of them often
And mostly makes me sad

Some still scabbed over
the wound beginning to heal
but I remember they hurt
and how they made me feel

When I close my eyes
it is like it was the other day
15 years have gone by
yet I remember it like today.

The blood never scared me
not the pain of the blow
it was the words that went with it
that ate at my soul

Alert and aware
always looking around
waiting for the next time...
next time on the ground

Poor me you say???
No way...
My God lifted me up
and took me away

He told me I was special
and that my wounds would soon heal
that I would love again
and learn how to feel

Later , much later
My king entered my life
put me on a pedastool
and made me his wife

Almost ten years
my king and I share
a home full of love
and tender loving care

So these scars that you see
they are a part of me
for without them I
wouldn't have you
and we wouldn't be "We"

They bleed from time to time
these old wounds of mine...
but bury them I must
in order to shine.