

In the King's Service: A Knight's Pledge of Allegiance
Noble warrior before me,
stand firm, courageously,
kneel now, ground yourself,
and let your heart be unswayed.
Gaze into my eyes, steadfast and clear,
for here, in this moment, your destiny draws near.

With humility and truthfulness,
let your sacred oath unfurl,
for before your fellow knights,
declare your pledge to this world.
Once spoken, your oath divine,
you'll be bound to me, knight of mine.

In this solemn exchange,
let sincerity abide,
for this vow, my loyal knight,
shall be your guiding light.
With pride in your heart, speak aloud,
let your voice ring true and proud.

For these words may be the last,
your final pledge, your final vow,
or the last time we stand together,
before you take your solemn bow.
So speak now, with courage and might,
let your oath ignite the valor within, shining bright.

Promise me your allegiance,
to walk this path by my side,
trust in my words, embrace my guidance,
in every challenge, in every stride.
As you pledge your sword and shield,
to protect our land, our home, our field.

Declare your bravery, your resolve,
to face the foes that dare oppose,
know that your fellow knights stand tall,
and I, your king, lead the noble cause.
With honor, with loyalty, with might,
stand as the guardian of our realm, shining knight.

Rise now, my valiant warrior,
embrace your noble quest,
for you are the protector of the land,
the beacon in the tempest.
Together, let us uphold justice,
with unwavering courage and mightiness,
serve with honor, with loyalty,
as we journey through darkness into lightness.

Rise, noble warrior,
let your spirit take flight,
for you are the embodiment of valor,
the champion of what's right.
With every step, with every fight,
may your courage shine forever bright.

© aquilatarazed

Writing challenge with @vultura
Day 7
Theme: Statement

#writingchallenge #king #knight #oath #vow #pledge #promise #protector #aquilatarazed