

You tempted and played with fire..
You were warned you would get burnt.
Now your scars are a constant reminder..
Of the lessons that you learnt.

You were fooled by your hearts desire..
Said you were somewhere that you weren't.
And chose to betray a friendship..
And to this I have now learnt.

You are now branded as a liar..
You can not extinguish the flames.
So stop trying to play the victim..
A permanent scorch against your name..

The first time I forgave you..
Your apology I thought was true..
But it's no accident the next time..
Your intent was to lie and construe.

Exposure is your punishment.
For all the world to see..
That you're not one to ever be trusted..
And you're are not one to ever beleive.

I'd like to really wish you well..
But that would be telling a lie.
I'm filled with so much hatred..
And for that I hope you die!
© Derani