

Right place, wrong time
Don’t want to fall for potential
But you’re looking so god damn beautiful
I’m shifting my focus, trying not to think
About you, but my head is spinning

I know your flaws, but I still can’t get enough
Not perfect, but still perfect for me
Even with distance and not talking
You’re the one I want to see

I hate that you have this power
What would happen if you know?
Would you use and manipulate
Or feel flattered and treat me the same?

I’m trying to be patient
What is meant will be found
Feels like I would wait for you forever
Is this real love, will we ever be together?

Hate not knowing, what’s going on in your mind
I genuinely care, I want you to be happy, to be fine
Right place, wrong time, how did it happen
You are taken, were both second guessing

Isn’t real life, that you just know?
You’ll say you have feelings
But you’re still staying with
A 10 year relationship

I know change is scary
But don’t you deserve to be happy?
If I made you doubt and you don’t know what to do
Look within, there is your truth
© Jourme