

sometimes it still hurts 😔
Sometimes I feel as if you are still there,
and sometimes I feel as if you can still hold my hand and tell me everything is alright even if it's clearly not,
sometimes I even feel your breath on my forehead when I'm sleepless and lonely,
sometimes I wonder why did it have to be me and not anyone else,
sometimes I feel as if you are sleeping next to me and I wake up to find that I'm alone,
sometimes people have those moments in life when you feel like you can't go on without someone, well,
this is one of those moments in my life,I guess .
I know that one day I'll look back and laugh about it and tell myself that I made a good choice,
but that time hasn't come yet and I'm still hurting 😔
I feel as if my ghost has been taken away from me and it feels like I'll never be whole again.
You made me lose myself loving you, but I guess it's time that I lose you to love me.
It's true that I'm hurting,but every good decision has it's own hardship
All I know is that I'll get over you soon enough, don't worry.
It hurts but it's true
© @tanya