

Beneath The Surface
In silence, they bear a weight unseen,
A struggle quiet, yet keenly felt within.
Not crumbling, though burdened by unseen loads,
They walk on, bravely facing life's untrodden roads.

Eyes reflect the storm held behind the gaze,
A spirit tested, navigating shadowed maze.
Each step a testament to resilience unspoken,
In quiet resolve, their inner strength unbroken.

While the world sees only calm and composed,
Beneath the surface, battles undisclosed.
They wear a cloak of steadfast grace,
Concealing turmoil with a stoic face.

Yet, in their heart, a flame burns bright,
Defiant against the encroaching night.
For they are not defined by silent struggle's art,
But by the valor that resides within their heart.
© _CB_Ryuu_