


Life is a duel between promise and love,
A duel with strange rules.
Sometimes one opponent never enters
And even if enters, winning is irrelevant,
But you are always on the losing side.
You want both to win,
which is near to impossible
In this strange duel,
one opponent is always late.
But this late entry makes all the difference
Your life is taken for a rollercoaster ride,
Your heart becomes a velvet cake,
And you lie stone-cold taking the cuts.
You wish you could scream and run
But you are sinking into a bottomless ocean.
You are blooming in an endless spring
Also falling as a pale yellow maple leaf.
You are on the top of a snowy mountain
Also thirsty as a Eulophia in the cruel desert.

© lovelifetip

( Originally published on 18th December 2020, in Terror House Magazine, Budapest, Hungary.)