

The Mind's Maze
Write a poem including as many of the following words (or variations on these words) as you like:
solecisms, connectome, recidivous, calico, performs.

In the tapestry of thought, a calico mind
Weaves together threads of knowledge left behind
A connectome of ideas, complex and grand
Where neurons fire and synapses expand

But sometimes solecisms creep in, like errors in the night
Faulty reasoning, a recidivous plight
A return to old mistakes, a vicious cycle spins
As understanding falters, and wisdom's light dims

Yet still, the mind performs, a wondrous feat
A dance of cognition, where insights meet
In this grand ballet of thought, we strive to be
Accurate, precise, and free from solecism's tyranny

Through a self-reflection lens, we examine our ways
And strive to mend the flaws in our connectome's maze
Breaking free from recidivous patterns, we ascend
To higher planes of thought, where wisdom's calico blends

© divu_writes