

Candy Pain On A Hot Day
Once I walked to the street
why? did I see the world
In another way
As I get in the cab
And walk away from the area.
There was gold coins in the seat
Of that bus. So I sit
And think it's a find
So I put in my pocket
And it's a very hot day.
I get to where I am going
then I see the mess in my
pants pocket and white shirt.
And a kid laughs ha chocolate
pants an I am like oh no
it was not gold but chocolate gold
candy which melted to the heat
on my body. Then I was styling
In 99 percent chocolate until
I baved in coconut body wash it
was just a food of a day that
crazy hot day. So never pur chocolate
In your pockets that's why someone
left it on the bus. They did not want
To style candy on clothes look.
So I should have left it there
But I was brave and saved the day.

© marwrote