

She just had to say something..
It wasn't that she was sensitive..
She felt their Energy...
It wasn't that she was scary..
She felt their Pain..
It wasn't that she was crazy..
She felt their Insanity..
It wasn't that she was mean..
She felt their Hate..
She just had to say Something..
It wasn't that she lost her way..
She found herself being..
lost..She just had to say Something..
It wasn't that she lost hope..
She gained Faith and Peace
She Just had to say Something..
It wasn't that she was always happy..
She found Joy..She just had to say Something..

It wasn't that she died inside..
She decided to Live!. while the World died around 💔 her..She just had to say Something..
So.. She Did! To A World On Life Support..Get Well. Each One Of US Has The Power To Choose Life Or Death..In Your Mind Actions and Deeds! We Also have the ability to Choose Death..In Our Minds Actions and Deeds. Being six feet above ground and Dead.. Emotionally, Mentally, Psychologically and Socially.. Trying to fit in instead of Lead! We Owe Ourselves Better! HEAL Inside Don't Repeat Generational Curses and Raise Children that don't have to heal from their childhoods! You know what it felt like Don't Repeat Evil! Hell is waiting.. She Just Had To Say Something! Think 4 Yourself! If it's Not Right it is Not Right! No matter who is doing it!