

On my path
On my way towards destiny
I missed the way and
landed on a rocky path
of sharp pebbles that pokes in
I walked but tumbled
got up again with determined mind
to get ahead cursing all
on the way, perplexed
nowhere to turn to and
anywhere to find an inn
some signs that are on the way
misled to a thorny path
noway, but to step on thorns to go on
closing my eyes stepped on thorns
gushing forth bleeding, giving immense
pain,tears jumping out of my eyes
what went wrong with my birth star
or what omen has overshadowed me
on my journey,no one knows
but , still I keep going on my way,
thorns and sharp stones get used to
be on my way,I have to move on
I see some moving on shiny path
far from me, enjoying life
I stand still pondering,mishaps
and mis fortunes on my way.
life is meaningless when all
are on the shiny path,but it
will be meaning when some
are on the thorny path
that is God's will of life,I suppose!!!!!!!.

© horizon