

Guilty eyes…

Those eyes were lifeless like I first met you
It’s crazy how nothing has changed
Your hands were still empty
Maybe it’s missing mine.

I still found myself staring at your eyes
Those eyes which always had that numb look
But this time I felt it like staring at an empty wall
Which once used to be my comfort place.

I know this will end the moment I step out of this train
My life and your life, like the sand and the sea
No matter what we do, we’ll never be together
Like the night and day, we’ll still be miles apart.

My heart is beating for some reason
It’s bleeding inside my chest
In the next second, I heard my name
Now my heart stopped beating.

“Hey,” you said, I was still silent
Your smile was wide, it was intimidating
Your eyes showed the guilt in your heart
I can sense the fear in your eyes.

Your playful manoeuver is making me jealous
My mouth refuses to do its job
But for someone’s luck, my stop has reached
Now it’s farewell time to my once favourite addiction.

I looked back at you, you were looking pale
Your smile was no longer there
But your eyes can’t hide your emotions
It was moist and bleeding.

This time I smiled back at you
Knowing that it was a farewell
My eyes tracked the path of the train
Until my vicinity was blocked.

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