

Our Love
Life had no meaning for you until someone came along and brought out colors into your life. Write a poem on it.

My heart
Mi amor
My friend

we had our ups and downs
The first day we met was awkward and weird
When our eyes met, the sparks of love
hit my heart
I've fallen in love at times
But you made me feel different

The thought of you sometimes
Makes me smile uncontrollably
My life was filled with black and white
But as soon as
You entered it
You made it so colourful more colourful than the colours of rainbow

Solace( My comfort)
Your good nature changes my personality
At first, I never believe in love
But after meeting you I now know that true love actually exists
Although we aren't together yet our
hearts are united
We are bounded by love and an
unbreakable chain of hearts
That even death couldn't put assunder to our love
The thought of you
Brings joy
Brings happiness
Brings peace

Your sweet words comfort me
When I look at you
And you smile at me
My heart can't help but melt
When your charming eyes locks with mine
it's like an electric feeling of love rushes through my veins

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