

We can not predict what will happen to us in every minute, hours, days, times weeks, months, year or decade.

Everything can happens instantly, and suddenly, abruptly, or immediately.
Because it needs to happen and it must happen according to his plan, we may want it or not.

Happenings can lead to excitement, joyful, overwhelmed, amazing, and trilling. But their are also happening that lead to destruction, depression, disappointments, brokenness, hurtful, hatred, or devastation.

No one in this world knows what can happen later on or in the future.

But happenings must not be a hindrance to be afraid or to be paranoid, or to be sad or mad or overthink. For certain things happens for a reason.

Once you let happening affects you it can controls your emotions, or thinking or understandings.

You won't appreciate everything life he gives to you.
You won't appreciate what he is giving you either blessing or learnings.
You won't learn from what he wants you to learn.
And you won't enjoy the life that he gives you...

Happenings is unpredictable and its up to you on how you will solve it.