

I am done with people who take advantage of my nature , I am done with people who call me a friend failed to be there when i needed them the most , I am done with people who offer fake friendship , waste my time and energy, I am done with people who failed to put there words into action, I am done with people who listen less judge more understand less compare more , I am done with people who stay silent after listening your craps ,I am done with people who make fun of my probelms ,
I am totally done with people who offer helping hand and not there at the moment, I done with people who try to manipulate you for the sake of there good ,
I am done with people who seek benefits in the name of friendship,
I am totally done with people who love to play mind games and give silent treatment, I don't think its so hard to communicate and talk things out , I am done with people who failed to understand me and my well needed alone time , I am totally done with people who are toxic to my life, peace and happiness ..I am just done with people who appeared to be as a friend, lover or a well wisher !

© vyanjana