

I am here
I feel defeated and tired as I sit on the swing in my backyard in the dark.
Around me, are these tall trees and small plants,
Very little stars in the sky,
No moon in my sight.
As if everything has an agreement of fatigue.
Flute playing from my phone makes me smile a little,
Thinking that someone dedicated so much of their time and effort and love into this artwork.
How they poured their heart and soul is just evident.
Chirping of cricket confronts me calmly,
As if asking my well being.
Wind bustling through leaves,
Flowing through my hair;
Like a hand of assurance on my shoulder.
Squeaking of insects and croaking of birds tell me everything is going to be okay.
I will be okay, maybe not now, maybe tomorrow.
I knew I was going to be okay.
Everybody agreed.
Even regulus in the sky.
Even though it seems lonely and soft.
But I am here.

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