

I"ll quietly move away,
You won't see me leaving,
The stars may whisper my name in your ears,
Before you can hear I'll be gone far away,
Hiding my scars I'll walk with my shadow,
Talking to my soul,
Tears won't stir me,
No despair,no remorse to stagger my heart.
I'll cherish the deathly silence surrounding me,
Touching me deep down there
Where it hurts the most,
You won't see me leaving,
I'll kiss your eyes in quietude,
Decorate them with dreams while
Angels sit by your side on guard
Singing lullabies lost in twirling wind.
You won't hear my footsteps,
In silence I'll leave,
Won't let you startle in your sleep,
Every breath I'll keep safe,
I'll ask the moon to caress your face,
With every move I make
I'll touch you with my faith
But dig into the past,
I'll keep aside my heart's yearnings,
Nothing can hold me back,
I'll quietly move away,
No despair, no remorse to stagger my heart.

NANDINI MITRA © November 18, 2023