

Resilient Whisper
In the stillness of a room, a little girl trembles
Begging, silently pleading with a tear-streaked face,
Hoping her prayers reach an unseen grace,
Yearning for an end to this haunting torment.

Alone, she hides, seeking refuge from a monster,
Whose presence brings darkness, fear, and pain,
Bruises etched on tender skin like bitter stains,
Often concealed from eyes that glance but do not see.

A once joyful heart now resides in shattered shards,
For innocence has been snatched away, torn apart,
Her spirit withers, like a flower without a start,
As dread surrounds her, like a cloak of despair.

Oh, how broken she feels, this fragile soul,
In the quietude of her room, she bears the toll,
The fear that grips her, the chains that won't let go,
The anguish that consumes, deep within her core.

Yet, in the depths of her wounded being,
A flicker of hope, a trust in something greater,
For she knows not why the world may falter,
But faith whispers softly, even in her darkest hour.

Her cries ascend to Heaven, like a desperate plea,
And though the tears may seem unheard and unseen,
A divine presence brushes her heart, so keen,
Promising solace, love, and eventual release.

So she courageously endures, she dares to breathe,
Fighting the battle no innocent child should conceive,
Her spirit, resilient to the evil's cruel reprieve,
For she believes that even shattered, she will find peace.

Keep her safe, dear Savior, guide her through the night,
Mend the fractures of her soul, make the wrongs right,
May healing find her in the tender morning light,
And banish the darkness, replacing it with love's pure might.