

Mona Lisa's Smile

Mona Lisa's smile, a mystery profound,
On her canvas, emotions dance unbound,
No one can fathom the secrets she keeps,
A portrait that captivates, forever it seeps.

Leonardo's touch, a stroke divine,
In her eyes, a world we can't define,
Subtle nuances, a gaze so enchanting,
Art's enigma, forever commanding.

Lingering questions in her enigmatic stare,
Intrigue and wonder, beyond compare,
Silent whispers of her untold tale,
A masterpiece's allure, it does not fail.

Mona Lisa, a woman of poise and grace,
In her visage, a glimpse of the human race,
Secrets and emotions, artfully entwined,
Eternal allure in the mind of humankind.

© MaxineDee