

Time Book
Tick tock goes the clock,
A song of my ear.
Life is ticking,
Death is tocking,
Time reminds me of a story that isn't clear.
"Once upon a time..."
"...The End."
The plot thickens.
Everytime the book is read,
Not many understand the words written.
Sometimes, I wonder if the book has a life,
What thoughts does it have in mind?
I look upon the numbers...
What happened to the pages of the past?
Where exists the pages of the future?
Mysteriously, this book is specific with current dates,
Created with words that do not last,
Yet the memories remember.
With heaven and hell not written,
I quest upon the venture of the end.
I wonder what the writer has planned for me.
Hearing tick tock of the clock,
I think about the last sound that will speak,
"The End."

© Written Dreammares