

In the dance of days, a tapestry spun, Lifestyle weaves, a tale yet unsung. A canvas painted, vibrant and bold, Each choice, a brushstroke, stories untold.In cities' heartbeat, a rhythm fast, Or meadows vast, where time can last. The pulse of life, a symphony grand, A tapestry woven, by our own hand.Some seek the hustle, the neon lights, Chasing dreams through electric nights. In skyscrapers tall, they find their stride, In concrete jungles, they choose to reside.Others crave solace, in nature's embrace, Mountains and oceans, a tranquil space. With every dawn, a fresh start anew, They find their solace, where the wild winds blew.From tailored suits to barefoot in sand, Lifestyles vary across the land. Yet in each heartbeat, a common thread, A longing for purpose, to be well-fed.Balance the key, between work and play, In passions pursued, find your own way. For lifestyle's a tapestry, woven with care, Each choice, a stitch, in the fabric we wear.

© Piaa