

I don't have anyone.
I'm sorry, but at the same time I am not sorry about how I feel inside. I'm so tired of how my life always ends up. All my life, I always have to suffer with pain. Having a father that's not like a father at all. Who really is a child molester and have some other family members who are the same way and then being raped and being abused in different ways from every guy that I thought loved me. I'm tired keeping my feelings inside all the time, it's driving me crazy, because I don't have anyone to actually talk to that would actually listen. So, I'm alone with my thoughts, my pain from trauma and other kinds of pain from different things. I know a lot of people on here don't care what I have to write, that's why people skip and don't read. I'm very honest about what I write and not scared to write about anything that I feel. I'm starting not to care what mean things people would say to me, because this is how I feel, it's my way to get pain off my chest, especially when I don't have anyone there for me.
© Charlotte B.